
Shakeri, H., Yuan, Y., Axtell, B., Geiskkovitch, D., & Neustaedter, C. 2024. Designing Smart Home Technology For Passive Co-Presence Over Distance. DIS.

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Axtell, B., Zhu, C., & Neustaedter, C. 2024. Bridges, Glitter, and *Spaceship Noises*: Young Children’s Design Ideas for Communication Across Distance. IDC.

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Dash, P., Axtell, B., Geiskkovitch, D., Neustaedter, C., & Stuerzlinger, W. 2024. Multimedia-Enabled 911: Exploring 911 Callers’ Experience of Call Taker Controlled Video Calling in Simulated Emergencies. CHI

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Mills, C., Geiskkovitch, D., Neustaedter, C., Odom, W. & Axtell, B. 2023. Remote Wavelength: Design and Evaluation of a System for Social Connectedness Through Distributed Board Game Play. CHI.

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Axtell, B., Gong, E., & Munteanu, C. 2023. An Underdeveloped Metaphor: The Mismatched Designs and Motivations of Digital Picture Interactions. TOCHI Special Issue on (Re)Connecting History to the Theory and Praxis of HCI

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Axtell, B. 2023. Centering Children Designers Towards Play-Centred AI for All Ages. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI 2023 Workshop on Child-Centred AI Design.

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Liaqat, A., Axtell, B., & Munteanu, C. 2022. "With a hint she will remember": Collaborative Storytelling and Culture Sharing between Immigrant Grandparents and Grandchildren Via Magic Thing Designs. CSCW.

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Axtell, B., Saryazdi, R., & Munteanu, C. 2022. Design is Worth a Thousand Words: The Effect of Digital Interaction Design on Picture-Prompted Reminiscence. CHI.

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Axtell, B., & Liaqat, A. 2022. What Would Jane Austen Do: Opportunities for Intentional Social Norms in Digital Spaces. CHI 2022 Workshop on Social Presence in Virtual Spaces.

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Liaqat, A., Axtell, B., & Munteanu, C. 2021. Participatory Design for Intergenerational Culture Exchange in Immigrant Families: How Collaborative Narration and Creation Fosters Democratic Engagement. CSCW.

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Axtell, B. & Munteanu C. 2021. Tea, Earl Grey, Hot: Designing Speech Interactions from the Imagined Ideal of Star Trek. CHI.

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Axtell, B. & Munteanu C. 2019. Back to Real Pictures: A Cross-generational Understanding of Users' Mental Models of Photo Cloud Storage. IMWUT.

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Axtell, B. & Munteanu C. 2019. What Would You Say? Understanding Speech with Observational HCD. SIGCHI 2019 Workshop on Understanding Speech Interface Interactions.

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Axtell, B. & Munteanu C. 2019. PhotoFlow in Action: Picture-Mediated Reminiscence Supporting Family Socio-Connectivity. CHI 2019 Extended Abstracts.

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Axtell, B., Murad, C., Cowan, B. R., Munteanu, C., Clark, L., & Doyle, P. 2018. Hey Computer, Can We Hit the Reset Button on Speech?. CHI 2018 Workshop on Voice-based Conversational UX Studies and Design.

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Axtell, B., Munteanu, C., Demmans Epp, C., Aly, Y., & Rudzicz, F. 2018. Touch-Supported Voice Recording to Facilitate Forced Alignment of Text and Speech in an E-Reading Interface. IUI.

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Axtell, B., & Munteanu, C. 2018. Frame of Mind: Using Storytelling for Speech-Based Clustering of Family Pictures. IUI Demos.

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Liaqat, A., Axtell, B., Munteanu, C., & Demmans Epp, C. 2018. Contextual Inquiry, Participatory Design, and Learning Analytics: An Example. LAK 2018 Workshop on Participatory Design in Learning Analytics.

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Demmans Epp, C., Munteanu, C., Axtell, B., Ravinthiran, K., Aly, Y., & Mansimov, E. 2017. Finger tracking: facilitating noncommercial content production for mobile e-reading applications. MobileHCI

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Axtell, B., Munteanu, C., Demmans Epp, C., Aly, Y., & Rudzicz, F. 2018. Touch-Supported Voice Recording to Facilitate Forced Alignment of Text and Speech in an E-Reading Interface. IUI.

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Axtell, B., & Munteanu, C. 2017. Using Frame of Mind: Documenting Older Adults' Reminiscence Through Unstructured Digital Picture Interactions. MobileHCI Demos

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Axtell, B. 2017. Frame of Mind: Bringing Family Photo Interaction into Speech-Enabled Digital Spaces to Support Older Adults' Reminiscence (Unpublished Master's Thesis). University of Toronto, Canada.

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